expert Spotlight
Dr. Sheny Khera is the site director of the Misericordia Family Medicine Centre.
Family Physician
Misericordia Family Medicine Centre, Edmonton
Sheny Khera is
a family physician. She holds a master’s degree in public health from the Harvard
School of Public Health and is a full-time faculty member of the Department of
Family Medicine, University of Alberta. Dr. Khera has over 12 years of clinical
experience and is the site director of the Misericordia Family Medicine Centre,
a community-based family medicine practice affiliated with the Department of
Family Medicine, Covenant Health and Edmonton Oliver Primary Care Network. In recognition of her
leadership in improving the care of older adults in Alberta, Dr. Khera was awarded a certificate of added competence in Care of the Elderly, Leadership
Route, and is a member of the Division of Care of the Elderly, Department of
Family Medicine, University of Alberta.