Bedbugs are up to 10 mm long.
They have an oval, broad flat body with a short, broad head.
Adults are brown (blood red after feeding).
Young are shaped the same but are smaller (1.5 mm long) and lighter in
colour, but darken after feeding.
Bedbug eggs are white, about 1 mm long. Females lay two to four eggs each day. Most have a sticky coating and are laid in cracks and crevices, behind woodwork and other hidden locations. They hatch in six to 17 days.
Blood spots on sheets, and the presence of bedbug feces and cast-off skins
are some of the indicators of bedbug infestation.
Bites can take up to 14 days to appear. They are often found on the face, neck, arms, legs and chest. Bites are often grouped in a line or zigzag pattern.
Some people do not react; others have small skin reactions, and some may have severe allergic reactions.
Under normal room temperatures and with an adequate food supply, bedbugs can live for more than 300 days.
Bedbugs are passengers that travel on pants, purses, furniture, etc. They
reproduce quickly and can survive in adverse conditions. They cannot climb
metal or polished surfaces easily and they cannot jump or fly.
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